Bunny In The Garden With Anna Pasternak

Bunny is in the seaside garden of Anna Pasternak. Anna had the privilege of growing up in a Gertrude Jekyll garden as a child, and loves gardens with different spaces or rooms within them. Read More

Edward VIII

Anna speaks to Tom Leeman about Edward VIII who reigned as King of the United Kingdom for 325 days in 1936. Read More

Since the world’s been turning

This episode covers Russian Author and Poet Boris Pasternak. In her book Lara: The Untold Love Story that Inspired Dr Zhivago, Anna Pasternak blows the doors of history wide open and changes the way we remember Boris, both for good and for ill. Read More

Difficult women

Anna Pasternak speaks to Rachel Johnson about her writing career and the court case surrounding her book, Lara: The Untold Story and the Inspiration for Doctor Zhivago... Read More